Thursday, March 5, 2009

We went for a rather muddy hike in Brown's Woods today.  Butley says it hasn't been this nice since his stay in Texas.  Roggen joined in on some of the fun, teaching Butley how to chase deer for short distances, roll in the mud until you're filthy and then swim in the river ( river swimming for Butley...but he enjoyed running along the river bank.)

Roggen and Butley make for good hiking partners.   



  1. Now THAT's a big-headed pit bull that's skipped a few meals, lately!

  2. Just wait until he's in REALLY great shape :) You might even be able to feel his ribs in another week or two. He doesn't seem to mind shedding his winter insulation.

  3. We weighed him in last night and he is a whopping 67 pounds. Meals skipped!? Yes. Weight lossed?! No. However this is the season where he moves from Winter fat weight to Spring muscle mass. During this time of conversion you will not see a dissipation of body mass.

    We are basing our calculations on the Brozek formula: BF = (4.57/ρ − 4.142) × 100 but if you would like we can use the more current Siri formula is: BF = (4.95/ρ − 4.50) × 100.

  4. "We are basing our calculations on the Brozek formula: BF = (4.57/ρ − 4.142) × 100 but if you would like we can use the more current Siri formula is: BF = (4.95/ρ − 4.50) × 100."

    U M G U R A NERD.....!

  5. He shaves his legs, is a little weird, buys me a kick ass bike instead of an engagement ring and NOW you're coming to the conclusion that he's a nerd. You are way behind the curve. It is Spring, everybody is trying to figure out how much weight they need to lose to look good by May. For the record: I weigh less than Eric...been a few years since I could say that. And I can't even blame it on the massive doses of Prednisone. We'll see who skinnies up the Spring, dogs included.

  6. Alright. Seems like the weight loss thing has risen to a new level of seriousness. We've gone from nerd to...something else.

    The scale has officially moved to the bathroom. We've never had it in the bathroom before. We've never been so serious as to care what we weighed WITHOUT OUR CLOTHES ON. Next thing you know, we'll be measuring ourselves. To the quarter inch. Like your OLD BOSS. We'll develop EATING DISORDERS. People won't like us anymore because we'll be obsessed with our weight.

    So, the scale has moved to the bathroom because:

    (a) Butley keeps drinking water and then dragging water over said scale, making the scale gross;
    (b) We needed to brighten up the bathroom and said orange scale is just the trick; or
    (c) We are going to see who loses the most weight the quickest (and I have a good idea as to who that might be, so no taking bets here.)
